Good morning!
I hope you all had a relaxing Midterm break. Well done to one and all for showing such resilience in your ability to adapt to online learning and the successes you have achieved. I hope you rewarded yourselves during the break by taking a few extra hours in bed, a few more movies with snacks and, of course, a chance to do activities that make you feel good about yourself.
Keep the Faith. Whether this is your Faith in God, belief that this too shall pass or faith that this is an opportunity for you to reevaluate your life, remember to keep strong and persevere.
During this, the second week of Lent, the Le Chéile Council, have begun a Book of Hope. Easter is a time of great celebration for the Christian community and we hope that this book can bring hope, comfort and courage to those who read it. Our sister school in Farnborough launched this idea and we thought it would be lovely to create a similar book in Our Lady’s School, Dublin.
We are inviting one and all, present and past students, teachers and retired staff, grandparents, the Religious of Christian Education and anyone who would like, to contribute to our digital book. Please include anything that boosts your spirit. If you have a favourite book, poem, song, recipe, film review, knitting pattern, photo or anything you would like to include, please email it to
Please find attached the first few pages of our book.
Good luck to all those doing assessments this week and the 6th Years returning to school on Monday.
God Bless,
C. Coyne