Today marks the day we were hoping to be in the GPA with our 6th Year students and their families, celebrating the Graduation Mass of the Class of 2020, remembering the highlights of the girls’ school experiences and wishing them well on the next phase of their life journey. We want the girls to know that the whole school community is thinking of them in solidarity today! Although the current landscape has changed immeasurably from what any of us could have anticipated even a few short months ago, it does not change that the Class of 2020 holds a very special place in our school community. They have played a vibrant role in our school for 6 years and, in the last year particularly, they have been admirable role models for their younger counterparts. We invite 6th Year students and their families to join us for an on-line Graduation celebration on Wednesday 27th May 2020 at 6pm – while we know that this cannot replace the event we had hoped for today, it will be an opportunity to mark the time the girls have spent in Our Lady’s, to celebrate their years with us and to wish them the very best moving forwards. Please see invitation attached. Also attached is a little message from the 5th Years to remind the 6th Years how important they are: https://olschool.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/6th-year-video-1.mov