Yesterday, TYs went on a trip to DCU to do a campus tour.
Best of luck to Zoe Browne, Laura Potts, Caitlinn Comerford, Sylvie Marley, who are representing OLS in the Irish Schools Relay Championships which take place on Sunday in the National Aquatic Centre. The girls are competing in the Freestyle and medley events.
Today, the fifth year Coiste members organised a Rincethon & Ciorcal Cainte for each Year Group in aid of Pieta House, great fun was had by all.
Seachtain na Gaeilge Winners. Comhghairdeas le gach duine! Congratulations to everyone! Please see attached the winners! A huge thank you to the Coiste Gaeilge for all their hard work during Seachtain na Gaeilge. Maith sibh a chailíní!
Congratulations are in order after three nights of shows for our TY. The musical was a tremendous success and reflected many months of hard work, well done to all involved!
A happy World Poetry Day to you all! Please, find on the library website the poem Eleanor O’Reilly wrote for this library event!