Congratulations ! You have completed Wellbeing Week !
Today we will be dancing into the weekend with Louise and her Zumba.
The winner of the cheesecake competition and the class km challenge will be announced very soon so get those entries in! If you’re not in it, you can’t win it.
There will also be a surprise Movie Night hamper given to one girl in each year and one member off staff so keep an eye on the app to see if you have won !
Thanks to everyone for a super Wellbeing Week. You were all amazing!
If anyone was really interested in any of the activities we did and want further details, please contact Ms Reilly and she can point you in the right direction. Many of our coaches and guests have clubs and Social Media pages that you might want to get involved with.
Joke of the day- What country’s capital is growing the fastest? Ireland. Every day its Dublin
Song of the Day- We had to choose this one today. It’s Friday then….