Great job everyone on the exercise yesterday. The PE Google Classrooms were hopping 🙂 If it didn’t happen for you yesterday on the exercise front, make today the day you get going. If you’re working on a Chrome browser you can download a cool movement break extension, Move It, to remind you to keep limber while you work! Good for parents working on line too! See pic attached to get the gist. Link here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/move-it/kopilngnmfklhhjocdfdlokmodibcbmk
Friday’s thought for the day is that ‘Friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they are there.’ Your social distancing is no doubt impacting your socialising but remember to keep in touch with your pals and classmates. It can be lonely out of the hustle and bustle of school. Stay connected. Stay safe. Stay safe on line.