Students have been working very hard trying to guess the face behind the book for one of our Reading Week activities. Remember to get your guesses in to Miss O Neill by Friday.
News archive
PE Dancing
Ms O’ Dell’s 1st Years had great fun dancing in their PE class yesterday.!
Haunted House
After a long absence the OLS House Meetings returned today. House meetings give students a unique opportunity to meet and mix with students in other years groups. To keep it seasonal our theme today was The Haunted House with each class & house group dressed in their chosen fancy dress theme. Money raised today will […]
Community Tree
Today the Amber flag group updated the OLS community tree with new leaves to include all classes, staff and our house values. Many thanks.
5th Year Parent-Student-Teacher Meeting
Please read the attached letter regarding the 5th Year Parent-Student-Teacher Meeting and how to book appointment slots with your daughter’s teachers. Many thanks. Pdf-1
School Garden
Student have been very busy in our school garden with the latest round of planting. Each house is represented by plants in their house colour. There is also some orange plants for the Amber flag group, highlighting the importance of wellbeing and belonging