Firstly, a huge congratulations to our fantastic TY students who have now completed their first Work Experience Block.
Some of the exciting placements they experienced included: shadowing a Barrister in The Law Library, An Accountant in one of the Big 4, A Pharmacist, An Estate Agent, Travelling abroad visiting Tradeshows and Working in a Dental Hospital.
Each day all TY’s completed a detailed reflection on some of the challenges they have overcome and what they have learnt to date.
There have been fantastic learning opportunities for all students, some of which have included:
– Scheduling appointments on the google calendar, using the welfare partner to check if people are eligible for money off eye tests or glasses, sorting through orders and getting them ready for collection.
– I researched the EU Legislation concerning labelling of products that have geographical indication status within the EU, specifically the appropriate wording on a product description on a label.
– I learnt how to do covid testing, how to test for bacteria in water and how to see the bacteria in the air.
– Within the marketing department, I have learnt the importance of the brand (logo, slogan, colour scheme, font, images), directing advertising towards specific age demographics ( google ads, social media, email marketing) and marketing budgets.
– I learnt how to tell which horn of a bovine uterus is impregnated. I also was shown how seminal fluid is collected from sheep for testing. I also was shown ovaries were aspirated with a syringe to collect oocytes.
All TY’s have engaged greatly throughout this process and we look forward to welcoming them back after Mid Term to share their experiences with one another.
On their return to school after Midterm TY’s can look forward to some more block rotations including Business. They will prepare for their first TY interview process where they will engage with teachers individually on their TY experience to date. We are also delighted that TY students will have the wonderful opportunity of engaging in the Climate and Nature Summit remotely, where they will put sustainability at the heart of their education.
Lastly, a final call for those who have signed up for Barista Training, Sign Language and Run In The Dark, the links are now up on easy payments.