Ash Wednesday
Today Our Lady’s celebrated the first day of Lent, known as Ash Wednesday, by distributing Ashes to all the students and staff who took part in the ceremonies. Ash Wednesday was organised by the Le Chéile Council and school Chaplain. Three intimate ceremonies took place with prayers and music followed by the distribution of blessed Ashes. Such a lovely occasion that was enjoyed by all who took part. Well done to the Le Chéile Council and Mr. Devine.
Pancake Tuesday
Is YOUR pancake a circle? Ms Floods TY Maths class investigated this by seeing if the ratio of diameter to circumference equals Pi (a mathematical constant = 3.14)…then your pancake is a circle!!
Best of luck to Laura Potts who is Swimming in McCullagh International in Bangor today!
Minor Camogie
Well done to our Minor Camogie Team who won their second game of group stage comprehensively. The girls played a terrific game against St Wolstans. A great effort by all 30 members of the game day panel.