A huge well done and thank you to the Camogie players for their fantastic bake sale on Friday. The girls are raising money to buy a new set of jerseys for next season. Between baking, organising, selling and cleaning up, the girls did a fantastic job. They managed to raise a massive €750 which brings them that bit closer to their target.
Congratulations to the After-school Drama class who excelled in their Grade 3 Acting exams from the Royal Irish Academy.
A big congraulations to Caoimhe Mooney who secured one of 15 places for the Edna O’Brien Young Writer’s Bursary. The Bursary is a week long intensive programme for talented young writers and Caoimhe will be mentored by acclaimed writer Jessica Traynor.
Today we welcomed parents of our incoming Head Girl (Ella McCabe), Deputy Head Girl (Megan Clancy), Sports Captain (Jenny Power) and House Captains – B (Ali Dougan), C (Katelyn Hallows), L (Rachel Vaughan), M (Iris Muldoon) and P (Rachel Byrne). We wish the girls the very best in their leadership journeys!
Finally, the 6th Years surprised the staff today with rapturous applause at breaktime and the presentation of a much appreciated Nespresso coffee machine for the staffroom! So thoughtful! Thank you, 6th Years, and we are all looking forward to celebrating Graduation with you tomorrow!