What better way to end an exciting, active and fun-filled Active School Flag Launch week than a student-teacher showdown? Staff and students faced off in a fiercely competitive tug-of-war event at lunch today. The teachers got off to a great start, having carb-loaded diligently all week. They took the 6th and 5th Years in their stride. It took the TYs to bring the teacher-streak to a halt as they solidly nailed a student victory. The 3rd Years, however, bore the brunt of the staff efforts to reassert their power and lost out. Down to the 1st and 2nd Years to salvage student pride…staff were feeling pretty confident. Perhaps even complacent. Mistake. If you can imagine it, the 2nd and 1st Year students brought the teachers to their knees and saved the student body from imminent defeat! Youth prevails again! We had to settle for an overall draw, 3 wins a piece. Check out our gallery for more pics…great Friday fun had by all! Well done to the Active School Flag class and Ms Doran for a brilliant week!