We are very excited about the upcoming launch of the OLS Believe It to Achieve It Foundation on March 26th. The purpose of this foundation is to raise funds for Our Lady’s School in order to support the important educational opportunities that will enable our students to develop belief in themselves so that they can create the highest possible vision for their lives. It is envisaged that the Foundation, over its life, will support the Arts, Sciences and Sports needs of the school.
We invite you, as parents, to join us in this worthy venture as we work together towards empowering our students to live their best lives.
As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. At OLS we are privileged to have the backing of a strong community, of past and present students, parents, staff members, the RCE and the local community. On March 26th we hope to gather these forces. A group of parents has been working with outstanding dedication to organise a superb evening for the whole school community. The earlier part of the evening (a celebration of current and past students as Believe It to Achieve It Ambassadors) will be hosted by OLS parent Alison O’Connor while OLS parent Niall Rynne will chair an expert sporting panel later on.
It promises to be a wonderful evening and we hope you will join us. Book your seat here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/o/our-ladys-school-foundation-29810469729
For further information on our expert sporting panel follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ols300/