Just before midterm, the 2nd Years took some time out to write to the residents of a selection of nursing homes that were either local or personal to them. Over 100 letters were posted! We have been receiving some replies from those who were so touched they took took the time to reach out in return. A nurse from Marymount Hospice in Cork emailed to say, ‘Our residents received beautiful, thoughtful letters from the class of B2. I would like to thank them, the residents got great joy from such thoughtfulness. It really gave them a lift all comparing the different letters at this time.’ A staff member of Elm Hall Nursing Home in Celbridge wrote a letter with a poem (see attached) to express their gratitude. Sally Park Nursing Home sent us pics of the letters reaching their audience! Well done to the 2nd Years and their team of teachers for being such a great example of how a kind gesture can reach so far and give a lift where it is needed!