Dear Parents/Guardians,
The school had a Supporting Safe Provision of Schooling (SSPS) Inspection on Wednesday undertaken by the Department of Education. This Inspection is known locally as a Covid Protocols Inspection. The Inspector checked all relevant Covid Response Planning paperwork, Child Protection documentation, interviewed staff on aspects of our Covid planning, and visited 10 classrooms including the isolation room and other areas created specifically for teaching during the pandemic.
The Inspection feedback is that the school is fully compliant with all statutory obligations. The whole school community was warmly congratulated on the depth and detail of the preparations that had taken place to prepare for back to school, the positive engagement and assistance of staff and the exemplary behaviour of the students. It was noted that the school was an exemplar of good practice and I was asked to pass on the thanks of the Inspectorate to the whole community for their sustained efforts. When the final report is received from the DES it will be published on the school website.
I would like to thank our parents/guardians for their continued support as we all collaborate to keep our school community as safe as possible.
M. Gorby