Senior Cycle
Transition Year
Senior Cycle begins in Transition Year (4th Year). Please see the Transition Year section for the programme information.
5th Year
In 5th Year the Leaving Certificate Programme begins. Both core and option subjects are followed. The core subjects include Irish, English, a modern language, Maths, Religion, Physical Education, Guidance and Pastoral Care. Each student also takes 4 option subjects from the following choice: Art, Accounting, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Economics, French, German, Spanish, History, Geography, Home Economics, Music, Ag Science and Physics. Students will study these subjects for two years for their Leaving Certificate examination. Students can choose to take an additional subject Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (L.C.V.P) which they can use towards points.
6th Year
6th Years participate extensively in the organisation of the school. There is a Head Girl, a Deputy Head Girl, a Sports Captain, five House Captains and a 6th Year councillor for each class in the school. All of these positions are filled democratically via a staff/student voting system.