There is a strong tradition in Our Lady’s of focusing on student wellbeing
Wellbeing is one of the four Pillars of Our Lady’s School and is something that we hold in high regard here in the school. We engage with Wellbeing both in a curricular setting and in the world of extra-curricular activities.
All Junior students partake in PE, SPHE including RSE, CSPE, Wellbeing Modules and Pastoral Care classes while all Senior students engage in PE, Guidance, RSE and Pastoral Care.
Our Lady’s School celebrates the Wellbeing of our students every single day and we also have 4 Wellbeing-based celebratory weeks. These weeks are as follows:
1. Friendship Week
This week happens in September and puts a big focus on Wellbeing through the lens of Friendship. Students are encouraged to help each other, bring a friend to an extracurricular activity, invite others to sit with them at lunch among other awareness raising initiatives.
2. Stand Up Awareness Week
Every November, we celebrate Stand Up Awareness Week in Our Lady’s School. This week is all about supporting all members of the LGBTI+ Community in our school. There are many informative activities throughout the week such as ‘A Word A Day’ and ‘How To Be A Better Ally’. The week always concludes with #ComeIn whereby we create a human pride flag on Friday in school. Remember- ‘Come In So Nobody Has To Come Out’. You are safe to be who you are in our school.
3. Cyber Safety Week
In February, we draw attention to the importance of staying safe online. Protecting both ourselves and those around us, we need to have the correct information. With the support of Webwise, the school community is reminded of how we can mind each other online, how to recognise potential threats and decide if we are being safe online.
4. Wellbeing Week
Wellbeing Week in OLS provides the opportunity for all students to promote an overall awareness for the various aspects of wellbeing including social, mental, physical, spiritual and environmental wellbeing. Each year we look forward to a positive, healthy and fun week that highlights to students the importance of addressing our wellbeing and the different ways in which we can do so. A broad range of events and activities are organised for both students and staff. Some of the activities that have been organised for Wellbeing Week in the past include: Humourfit, Digital Detox Day, Just Dance sessions, silent discos, 10@10, boxercise, bake-along, meditation classes, Origami, guest speakers, games and activities at lunch time, talks for parents, whole-school 5k, Zumba.
The school also facilitates a range of Wellbeing supports and opportunities:
- Our ethos & mission statement
- A whole-school Wellbeing Plan
- Friends for Life (1st and 2nd Year Programme)
- Transition Year Programmes
- Extra-curricular/Co-curricular clubs/activities
- SPHE, PE, CSPE, Wellbeing classes
- TY Wellbeing Committee
- Wellbeing Week
- Guidance Counselling & Whole-school Guidance Plan
- Visiting speakers/workshops/field trips
- House Pastoral System
- Year Pastoral System
- Policies (eg SEN, Code of Positive Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Dignity in the Workplace)
- Programmes - TY, LCA
- Oratory, library, mindful activities
- Student Affirmation (merits, newsletter, display of student work, journal notes, etc.)
- Restorative Practice, Positive Behaviour Plans
- Staff monitoring, SNAs
- In-class support, seating plans, differentiation strategies
- SEN support
- Supported study
- Referral systems
- Staff Social Committee
- Mentoring
- Green Schools Committee
- Active School Flag
- Amber Flag
- Lighthouse Mentoring Programme
- Student Council
- Class Captain system
- 6th Year Council
- Interfaith & Le Chéile Council
- Parents Council
- Parents Focus groups
- Friendship Week
- FUSE anti-bullying programme
- Stand Up Awareness
- Cyber safety Week
- Extra curricular taster week
- Active Consent programme for Senior Cycle
- Junior House Council
- LIFT leadership programme
- SVP club, charity initiatives
Amber Flag
In May 2021, Our Lady’s School was awarded the Amber Flag by Pieta House. This flag recognises the efforts of our school to create a healthy, inclusive environment that supports mental wellbeing. The process was completed over one year and was led by a team of staff and a student committee that spanned across all 6 year groups. The 6th Year team were the committee leaders which is a legacy that will continue in Our Lady’s School. A 6th Year committee will lead the younger years in developing wellbeing initiatives across the school. This will be hugely beneficial to both our staff and students.
The Amber Flag led initiatives such as:
- Renovating and decorating the Zen Garden
- Photo competitions
- Smile Committee
- Charity collections and drives

Links with Wellbeing Indicators
We provide opportunities for students to be:
- Be confident and able to participate in physical activity
- Be physically active every day
- Take action to protect and promote their wellbeing and that of others
- Make healthy eating choices
- Take responsibility for their learning
- Feel connected to their school, their community and the wider world
- Appreciate that their actions and interactions impact on their own wellbeing and that of others, in local and global contexts
- Believe that they have the coping skills to deal with life’s challenges
- Know where they can go for help
- Believe that with effort they can achieve
- Feel that they are listened to and valued
- Have positive relationships with their friends, their peers and their teachers
- Show care and respect for others
- Be aware of their thoughts, feeling and behaviours and can make sense of them
- Be aware of what their personal values are and think through their decisions
- To understand what helps them to learn and how they can improve

Here are some documents that may be of interest to you in relation to Wellbeing at school: